Thursday, December 20, 2007

Longbaos Chalet

While playing an extremely sadistic game introduced by Ching Hong, I am here blogging and doing the juxtapose booklet which is almost done.
Maybe you would like to give this game a shot.

the photo i scanned.

Oh wells, most of the longbaos were at the chalet, which is almost perfect. Well, we had a lot of adventures and/or misadventures during this chalet which is quite a good thing because our hearts were beating at top speed. Good for people with small heart like me and Ching Hong.

Well, the wild wild wet was the first station we visited and we played that ulalala dunno how many times. Then me, ling mei, choy and anqi went to play some dangerous ride that almost made our hearts flew out. Ya Ju, Si Ying and Ching Hong went to play ulalalala which marked the birth of the photo above.

Then after that we checked in, and it was a pleasant sight for us to see the chalet cos it gave us an extremely homely feeling which is so shioking.

Our house!

It's better for a home to have 2 kids, an empress dowager, some princes and a maid to look more complete

This is one of the rooms inside the chalet. Wow, must praise the photographer for taking such a great shot. Whoever took it definitely has the potential to be a great photographer! [Whatever]

Anyway, we had a little difficulties starting the fire at first, but it was okay after that. Thanks to the auntie who helped, and LING MEI [wow the man]

Anyway, there was a brown cat looking at us after some time the fire started, then it kept looking at us. THen the black cat came, which was wtf. Then as cat "afraid-ers", Ching Hong and my face were a little, pale. Then after that, some big mouth [guess who! read the blogs to find out lor. no prizes for guessing the answer] said,"What if they fight?" and woo hoo it came true!

I ran less than 1 metre and stopped beside the BBQ pit cos I was too afraid to move. Then Ching Hong, Charmaine, Si Ying and Anqi went different directions. That bad cat almost banged onto Ling Mei. Then after the commotion was sorta of over, we saw someone lying on the ground, which was so bloody funny cos Charmaine couldnt move. HAHAHA.

This incident became the highlight instead of Ching Hong's surprise birthday celebration! Like WTH. It could have been the highlight! Cos Si Ying was gayly holding the cake full of sparklers and I was running without knowing where I was going with my hands full of spraklers that made me so scared cos there was an immensely huge amount of fumes around. Okay, whatever it was, as long as Ching Hong had a fun time laughing, our mission is accomplished.

Well, then the next day was tune in lor.


28th december 2007, 7.30pm, friday! (:

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